Sermons at TUMC
“To be effective, the preacher's message must be alive; it must alarm, arouse, challenge; it must be God's present voice to a particular people.” - A.W. Tozer
The Sermon is one of Christianity's oldest forms of communication. Usually delivered by a pastor or a trained lay person, a typical sermon addresses a specific set of scriptures and delivers theological or moral instruction. Messages can vary in length and style depending on the preacher. At Trinity Church, our sermons tend to be 20-25 minutes. Stylistically, they follow a "narrative form." In other words, the sermon treats the topic and scripture of the day as a story-line in a greater unfolding plot or lesson. Pastor Bryson also preaches sermon series as opposed to individual offerings based on the lectionary. Although, he will often use lectionary passages during special times of the year (Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter, Summer).
All our sermons are recorded and available for you to listen. Simply click the player below to access our podcast. A link to sermon archive is towards the bottom of the page. If you have any questions, or would like to offer constructive criticism to improve Pastor Bryson's preaching, please contact him. Series suggestions are also welcome.